Human Serum AB T细胞培养血清人AB血清
品牌 | 货号 | 产品描述 | 包装 | 价格 |
Gemini | 100-512 现货 | GemCell™ U.S. Origin Human Serum AB人AB血清 | 100 mL/瓶 | 3042元 |
Gemini | 100-612 | GemCell Plus™ U.S. Origin Human Serum AB人AB血清,额外病毒检测 | 100 mL/瓶 | 5922元 |
Gemini | 100-318 现货 | Human Serum AB (Off the Clot)人AB血清(Off the Clot),不加抗凝剂 | 100 mL/瓶 | 5922元 |
All of the tools you need to promote the growth and maintenance of T-cells
GemCell Plus™ U.S. Origin Human Serum AB人AB血清加强版,原产美国
T-Cell Products
GemCell Plus™ human serum AB is collected from healthy male donors of the AB serotype at FDA-licensed facilities in the United States. This material is defibrinated from source plasma AB. Our GemCell Plus goes through additional rigorous viral testing to include West Nile Virus, Chagas and HBc as well as the standard FDA required panel. All donor units are tested for viral markers and found to be non-reactive.
0.1µm sterile-filtered
Ships on dry ice. Store frozen at -20 to -10°C
Human Serum AB (Off the Clot) 人AB血清(Off the Clot),不加抗凝剂
T-Cell Products
100mL $329
Gemini’s off-the-clot human serum AB is collected from normal healthy male donors at FDA-licensed facilities in the United States. As a natural off-the-clot product, this material contains no anticoagulants/preservatives. All donor units are tested for viral markers and found to be non-reactive.
Ships on dry ice. Store frozen at -20 to -10°C
*Single-unit price. For inquiries about this product, contact your sales representative.
GemCell™ U.S. Origin Human Serum AB 人AB血清,原产美国
T-Cell Products
100mL $169
GemCell™ human serum AB is collected from healthy male donors of the AB serotype at FDA-licensed facilities in the United States. This material is defibrinated from source plasma AB. All donor units are tested for viral markers and found to be non-reactive.
0.1µm sterile-filtered
Ships on dry ice. Store frozen at -20 to -10°C
品牌 | 货号 | 产品描述 | 包装 | 价格 |
Gemini | 100-512 现货 | GemCell™ U.S. Origin Human Serum AB人AB血清 | 100 mL/瓶 | 3042元 |
Gemini | 100-612 | GemCell Plus™ U.S. Origin Human Serum AB人AB血清,额外病毒检测 | 100 mL/瓶 | 5922元 |
Gemini | 100-318 现货 | Human Serum AB (Off the Clot)人AB血清(Off the Clot),不加抗凝剂 | 100 mL/瓶 | 5922元 |
Gemini Human Serum AB人AB血清产品的销售代理欢迎您致电咨询华雅再生医学旗舰公司:178体育直播免费观看全部视频 :1500 1904 520。红荣微再-客服: 2395557778 经销商专员