PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube 全血RNA管
Ambion® RNAlater™ Stabilization SolutionRNA 保护液、固定液
产品英文名 PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube
产品中文名 PAXgene® 全血RNA管
产品介绍 PAXgene® 全血RNA管能稳定血细胞内的RNA水平,提供一份zui接近人体内状态的RNA标本,延长血液标本体外放置的时间,利于批量采集,细胞转录水平保真性好,可用于与血细胞RNA相关的RT-PCR检测,人类疾病基因转录谱的研究及其他RNA转录相关的检测。特殊RNA稳定剂、zui小化体外血RNA降解或基因诱导,延长标本体外放置时间,全血RNA原管室温保存3~5天,冻存条件下储存8年。
品牌 | 货号 | 产品描述 | 包装 |
BD | 762165 | 2.5mL全血RNA管,6.9mL添加剂,红色安全盖 | 100支/箱 |
Tube Material Plastic
Tube Size 16x100 mm
Draw Volume 2.5 mL
Closure Type BD Hemogard™
Closure Color Red
Label Paper
Cell Separator No
Additive 6.9 mL of Proprietary RNA stabilization additive
Sterilization Radiation, 10-6 SAL, ISO11137-1
Regulatory Status IVD
Intended Use
The PAXgene® Blood RNA System consists of a blood collection tube (PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube) and nucleic acid purification kit (PAXgene® Blood RNA Kit). It is intended for the collection, storage, and transport of blood and stabilization of intracellular RNA in a closed tube and subsequent isolation and purification of intracellular RNA from whole blood for RT-PCR used in molecular diagnostic testing.
Performance characteristics for the PAXgene® Blood RNA System have only been established with FOS and IL1B gene transcripts. The user is responsible for establishing appropriate PAXgene® Blood RNA System performance haracteristics for other target transcripts.
1. Contents of this tube are irritating to skin.
• After inhalation, supply fresh air: consult doctor in case of complaints.
• After skin contact, immediay wash with water and soap, and rinse thoroughly.
• After eye contact, rinse opened eye for fifteen minutes under running water, then consult a doctor.
• After swallowing, immediay call a doctor.
A blood collection set must be used with the PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube. See Ordering Information.
1. Under-filling of the PAXgene® Blood RNA Tubes will result in an incorrect blood-to-additive
ratio and may lead to incorrect analytic results or poor product performance.
2. The PAXgene® Blood RNA System is not suitable for the collection and purification of viral
3. Blood samples obtained with the PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube must be prepared only with the PAXgene® Blood RNA Kit. For catalog numbers, see Ordering Information.
4. The quantity of blood drawn should be 2.5mL per PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube, but this volume might vary with altitude, ambient temperature, barometric pressure, tube age, venous pressure, and filling technique.
5. The PAXgene® Blood RNA Kit is intended for purification of intracellular RNA from human whole blood with leukocytes counts between 4.8 x 106- 1.1 x 107leukocytes/mL.
1. Practice universal precautions. Use gloves, gowns, eye protection, other personal protective equipment, and engineering controls to protect from blood splatter, blood leakage, and potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
2. Handle all biologic samples and blood collection sets "sharps" according to the policies and procedures of your facility. Obtain appropriate medical attention in the event of any exposure to biologic samples (for example,through a puncture injury), since they may transmit viral hepatitis, HIV (AIDS), or other infectious diseases.Utilize any built-in needle protector, if the blood collection set provides one. PreAnalytiX does not recommend reshielding used needles. However, the policies and procedures of your facility may differ and must always be followed.
3. Discard all blood collection tubes in biohazard containers approved for their disposal.
4. Do not re-use the PAXgene® Blood RNA Tubes.
5. Do not use the PAXgene® Blood RNA Tubes after the expiration date printed on the tube label.
6. Since the PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube contains a chemical additive, a blood collection set must be used for blood collection to prevent possible backflow from the tube. See Specimen Collection and Preparation for Analysis section.
7. Excessive centrifugation speed (over 10,000 RCF) may cause the PAXgene® Blood RNA Tube breakage, exposure to blood and possible injury.
8. Do not transfer a sample from a syringe to a tube.
Store the unused PAXgene® Blood RNA Tubes at 18ºC to 25ºC. Limited excursion temperatures up to 40ºC are permitted.
762165 现货欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 :1500 1904 520。红荣微再-客服: 2395557778 经销商专员
Ambion® RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution RNA保护液
产品英文名 Ambion® RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution
产品中文名 Ambion® RNAlater™ RNA 固定液
产品介绍 Ambion® RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution: RNA固定液为水溶性、无组织毒性的保存试剂,可快速渗透到组织中,固定并保护细胞RNA。RNAlater® 固定并保护未破坏的未冷冻组织样品中的细胞RNA,无需为后续处理而快速处理组织样品或液氮冷冻样品。组织块可获得并浸入RNAlater® 中进行保存,不影响后续RNA分离所获得的RNA数量和质量。RNAlater® 可加到细胞团甚至培养基中的细胞中,然后样品即可冷冻或不冷冻保存。
Ambion® RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution订购信息
品牌 | 货号 | 产品描述 | 包装 | 单价 |
Thermo | AM7020 | Ambion® RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution RNA 保护液、固定液 | 100 mL | 1422元 |
Thermo | AM7021 | Ambion® RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution RNA 保护液、固定液 | 500 mL | 4444元 |
RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution RNA 保护液特点
• 一种试剂即可迅速灭活RNA酶,稳定组织或细胞中的RNA
• 无需液氮冷冻样品或将样品快速转入实验室冰箱中
• 多数组织样品无需冷冻和研磨
• “野外”组织采集的理想选择
• RNA在 37°C 下可稳定1天, 25°C 下1周, 4°C 下1个月, -20°C 下无限期。
• 与包括大多数RNA分离试剂盒在内的多数RNA分离程序相兼容
品牌 | 货号 | 产品描述 | 包装 |
Thermo | 4444436 | TaqMan Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix 酶 | 10mL/瓶 |
Thermo | AM9920 | DEPC-Treated Water DEPC处理水 | 500mL/瓶 |
Thermo | 15567027 | UltraPure 1M pH7.5 Tris-HCI Buffer缓冲液 | 1 L/瓶 |
Thermo | AM9262 | EDTA (0.5 M), pH 8.0 溶液 | 1000mL/瓶 |
Thermo | AM2222 | Ambion DNase I (RNase-free) 酶 | 2000U/支 |
Thermo | 12574026 | SuperScriptIII One-Step RT-PCR含Taq DNA 酶 | 100次/盒 |
QIAGEN | 57704 | QIAamp MinElute Virus Spin Kit(50)试剂盒 | 50次/盒 |
Promega | P2077 | T7 RNA Polymerase 聚合酶 | 5000U/支 |
Corning | 21-031-CVR | DPBS(1x)缓冲液(不含钙镁) | 500mL/瓶 |
NEB | M0363L | T5 核酸外切酶 | 5000U/组 |
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 :1500 1904 520。红荣微再-客服: 2395557778 经销商专员