WaferGen Bio-systems,Inc.是一家生物技术公司,为单细胞分析和临床研究提供创新的基因组技术解决方案。
Apollo 324TM系统可用于处理来自临床样品的DNA和RNA到新一代测序准备文库。这些技术为生命科学,制药和临床实验室行业的分子和单细胞水平上的生物分析提供了一套强大的工具。
SmartChip平台可用于分析和验证分子生物标志物,并可进行大规模平行单重PCR(massively-parallel single-plex PCR)用于临床NGS的进一步目标富集和文库制备。
“目前隶属于Takara Bio的WaferGen生物系统公司于2014年推出了基于SmartChip平台的单细胞分析技术,系统中整合了单细胞分离及扩增,在包括RNA测序在内的样本下游处理中取得了不错的结果。这套系统通过将制备好的悬浮细胞均匀的稀释到纳米级别的反应孔中来完成单个细胞的分离,目前每次zui多可以完成1800个单细胞的分离。”——华大科技BGITech
WaferGen 产品目录
WF0005 | 640022 | SmartChip MyDesign Real-Time PCR System |
WF0006 | 640023 | SmartChip Real-Time PCR Cycler, North America |
WF0007 | 640001 | SmartChip MultiSample NanoDispenser |
WF0008 | 640137 | SmartChip MyDesign Real-Time P |
WF0009 | 640139 | SmartChip Real-Time PCR Cycler |
WF0010 | 640134 | SmartChip MultiSample NanoDisp |
WF0012 | 640032 | SmartChip MyDesign Kit |
WF0013 | 640036 | SmartChip MyDesign Kit |
WF0014 | 640029 | SmartChip Gene Expression DNA Panel (Custom) |
WF0015 | 640042 | SmartChip Genotyping DNA Panel (Custom) |
WF0016 | 430-000042-10 | Blotting Paper |
WF0017 | 640018 | D 384-Well Source Plate and Seals |
WF0018 | 640026 | Imitation Mastermix |
WF0019 | 640041 | SmartChip D Alignment Chip |
WF0020 | 640030 | SmartChip D Alignment Chip Film |
WF0022 | 640040 | SmartChip Blotter |
WF0023 | 640044 | SmartChip TE System |
WF0024 | 640045 | SmartChip TE System Plus |
WF0025 | 640046 | SmartChip TE System Premium |
WF0026 | 640043 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample System |
WF0027 | 640047 | SmartChip TE NanoDispenser |
WF0028 | 640002 | SmartChip TE PCR Cycler |
WF0035 | 640113 | SmartChip DNA Panel Sequencing Verification (Custom) |
WF0037 | 440-000053 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample DNA Panel (Custom) |
WF0038 | 640057 | SmartChip TE Single Sample DNA Panel (Custom) |
WF0039 | 640049 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample BRCA 1/2 Panel |
WF0040 | 640055 | Seq-Ready™ TE FLEX Panel Kit |
WF0041 | 640056 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample FLEX Kit, 20 pack |
WF0047 | 640073 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample FLEX Reagent Kit 1-24 (ILMN) |
WF0048 | 640074 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample FLEX Reagent Kit 25-48 (ILMN) |
WF0049 | 640075 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample FLEX Reagent Kit 49-72 (ILMN) |
WF0050 | 640076 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample FLEX Reagent Kit 73-96 (ILMN) |
WF0051 | 640068 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample Reagent Kit 1-24 (ILMN) |
WF0052 | 640069 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample Reagent Kit 25-48 (ILMN) |
WF0053 | 640070 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample Reagent Kit 49-72 (ILMN) |
WF0054 | 640071 | Seq-Ready™ TE MultiSample Reagent Kit 73-96 (ILMN) |
WF0055 | 640072 | Seq-Ready™ TE Mastermix |
WF0057 | 640079 | Apollo 324 Library Prep System with P-Suite Software |
WF0058 | 640078 | Apollo 324 Library Prep System |
WF0059 | 640080 | Apollo 324 Development Software, P-Suite |
WF0060 | 640081 | Apollo System Script (Custom) |
WF0061 | 400078 | PrepX PGM DNA Library Kit |
WF0062 | 640096 | PrepX RNA-Seq for Illumina Library Kit, 24 Samples |
WF0063 | 640097 | PrepX RNA-Seq for Illumina Library Kit, 48 Samples |
WF0064 | 640098 | PrepX PolyA mRNA Isolation Kit, 96 Samples |
WF0065 | 640099 | PrepX Small RNA for Illumina Library Kit, 24 Samples |
WF0066 | 640100 | PrepX Small RNA for Illumina Library Kit, 48 Samples |
WF0067 | 640101 | PrepX Complete ILMN DNA Library Kit, 24 Samples |
WF0068 | 640102 | PrepX Complete ILMN 32i DNA Library Kit, 96 Samples |
WF0069 | 640103 | PrepX Complete ILMN Barcodes 1-24 |
WF0070 | 640104 | PrepX Complete ILMN Barcodes 25-48 |
WF0071 | 640105 | PrepX Complete ILMN Barcodes 49-72 |
WF0072 | 640106 | PrepX Complete ILMN Barcodes 72-96 |
WF0073 | 640107 | PrepX Complete ILMN Barcodes 1-96 |
WF0074 | 640108 | PrepX PGM DNA Library Kit, 24 Samples |
WF0076 | 640112 | PrepX PGM 32i DNA Library Kit , 96 Samples |
WF0077 | 640082 | Apollo 0.2 ml PCR Tubes, Clear |
WF0078 | 640083 | Apollo Microtiter Plates |
WF0079 | 640084 | Apollo Filter Tips |
WF0080 | 640085 | Apollo Piercing Tips |
WF0081 | 640086 | Apollo Caps for 0.2 ml PCR Tubes, Clear |
WF0082 | 640087 | Apollo Reservoirs |
WF0083 | 640088 | Apollo 1.1 mL MiniTubes |
WF0084 | 640089 | Apollo 96 Tip Rack |
WF0085 | 640090 | Apollo Stylus Pen Holder |
WF0086 | 640091 | Apollo Stylus Pen |
WF0094 | 640142 | ICELL8™ Chip and Reagent Kit v2 |
WF0095 | 640143 | ICELL8™ Chip v2 |
WF0096 | 640144 | ICELL8™ Chip Kit v2 |
WF0101 | 640005 | ICELL8 Reagent Kit |
WF0107 | 640014 | ICELL8 Imaging Film |
WF0109 | 640016 | ICELL8 Second Diluent |
WF0114 | 640109 | ICELL8 Chip Loading Kit |
WF0115 | 640110 | ICELL8 Deep Well Chip |
WF0118 | 640031 | SmartChip Intermediate Film |
WF0119 | 640033 | SmartChip Cycling Film |
WF0126 | 640035 | TE Deep Well Chip |
WF0128 | 640048 | Collection Kit |
WF0146 | 640164 | ICELL8 Chip and Reagent 3' DE |
WF0147 | 640165 | ICELL8 Chip and Reagent 3' DE |
WF0148 | 640166 | ICELL8 Chip and Reagent 3' DE |
WF0149 | 640167 | ICELL8 Reagent 3' DE Kit |
WF0152 | 640170 | SMART-Seq® v4 Reagent Kit for the SMARTer™ Apollo™ System |
华雅旗下178体育直播免费观看全部视频 2018年,与TAKARA继续合作,授权代理(上海)Rubicon和Cellartis 试剂。红荣微再以“传递科学价值,服务科学研究”为宗旨,主营干细胞、医疗、细胞治疗、器官再生四大板块的产品。
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BD Rhapsody 单细胞分析系统 2017年9月新推 分子标签技术实现单细胞分离