StemRD MSC medium,chemically-defined,间充质干细胞培养基套装
Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) hold promise for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Currently, fetal bovine serum (FBS) is added to the
LONZA Pyrosperse Kit Dispersing Reagent
PYROSPERSE™ (Dispersing Agent) helps eliminate endotoxin binding or masking in some samples - solving problems of inhibitory behavior. Examples of samples that
LONZA Pyrogen-Free Test Tubes 10x75mm w/o Caps 试管
All test tubes are made from USP Type 1 flint borosilicate glass. Contain less than 0.005 EU/ml endotoxin.
Product number N207 is recommended for dilu
LONZA PYROGENT-5000 100 Test Kit
PYROGENT -5000产品适合用于实验室处理大量样品,可以定量的动态检测革兰氏阴性细菌内毒素。检测在96孔板上进行,允许许多样品同时检测。The PYROGENT™–5000 assay是水样,大量注射用药物和医疗设备冲洗水内毒素检测的理想选择。检测使用温育板读数器340nm读数,检测灵敏度在0.01 to 100.0 EU