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产品英文名称:Corning Fetal Bovine Serum, Australia Source
货号:Catalog # 35-076-CV
Pack Size: 1 x 500 mL
Complete Certificate of Analysis available for each production lot
- Produced under the highest industry standards to ensure superior results
- This is a competitively priced, high quality serum
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) is the most common supplement used in cell culture. Its use at specific concentrations provides many compounds that have been shown to satisfy specific metabolic requirements for the culture of cells, including various growth promoting factors, along with a variety of undefined components. This FBS is from USDA-approved countries outside of the United States.
- 根据zui高的行业标准生产,确保优异的业绩
- 这是一个价格竞争力,高质量的血清
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