Product category
产品英文名称: GDC-0449, SMO Antagonist
产品中文名称: GDC-0449, SMO 拮抗剂
GDC-0449, SMO Antagonist 产品英文简述:
GDC-0449 (Vismodegib): A potent antagonist of SMO (smoothened). This small molecule compound is a hedgehog pathway inhibitor by directly binding to SMO. This molecule has been developed by Genentech for clinical application against hedgehog-dependent cancers.
Purity: Greater than 99% as determined by LC/MS analysis. LC/MS and/or NMR data available upon request.
Biological Activity: In a cell-based assay measuring the activation of the Gli-1 reporter gene, this compound gives IC50 of 5-20 nM.
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