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产品英文名称:Nalgene Autoclavable Carboys with Spigot, 50L; PP, white PP closure, PP spigot and screw closure, TPE gasket
产品中文名称:Nalgene 50L可高温高压灭菌细口大瓶(带放水口),白色聚丙烯旋盖,TPE垫圈
Nalgene Autoclavable Carboys with Spigot, 50L; PP, white PP closure, PP spigot and screw closure, TPE gasket产品特性:
» 是贮藏和分配溶液、培养基的理想容器,填充前先高压灭菌消除细菌生长
» Nalgene 50L细大口瓶带有1加仑和5L的刻度标记便于液体分配
» Nalgene 50L细大口瓶可用于长期贮液,但要避免紫外线直接照射
» 可高温高压灭菌/有刻度/防漏
» 放水材质坚固,防漏夜
» 肩部手柄设计方便提取
Nalgene Autoclavable Carboys with Spigot, 50L; PP, white PP closure, PP spigot and screw closure, TPE gasket 产品英文简述:
Thermo Scientific* Nalgene Autoclavable Polypropylene Carboys have a spigot boss which is molded in to the carboy for convenience and strength—great for storing and dispensing solutions and media.
Can be autoclaved before refilling to eliminate bacterial growth when storing sterile water.
• Autoclavable/Graduated/Leakproof
• Integral shoulder handles make lifting comfortable
• Molded in spigot boss provides strength and leak resistance
• Molded in graduations in 1 gal. and 5L increments for ease in dispensing
• Ideal for storing and dispensing solutions and media and can be autoclaved before refilling to eliminate bacterial growth
Ordering Alerts: Neck accepts No. 13.5 rubber stopper. Includes spigot closure. Follow product insert instructions for autoclaving to ensure proper function.
Includes: Polypropylene screw cap
• Containers can be used for long-term storage, but direct UV exposure should be avoided
• Neck accepts No. 13.5 rubber stopper
• Spigot closure included
Follow product insert instructions for autoclaving to ensure proper function
2319-0020 Nalgene 10L可高温高压灭菌细口大瓶(带放水口) 1个/箱
2319-0050 Nalgene 20L可高温高压灭菌细口大瓶(带放水口) 1个/箱
2319-0130 Nalgene 50L可高温高压灭菌细口大瓶(带放水口) 1个/箱
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