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首页 > 中国和沙特足球买球 > 干细胞(无血清)培养基> 胚胎/多能干细胞培养基> PSGro-FreeStemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基
StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基

简要描述:★ Serum-Free 无血清成分;
★ Xeno-Free 无异种蛋白;
★ Chemically-Defined 化学成分明确;
★ Feeder-Independent 无需滋养层细胞;
★ Supports human iPSCs/ESCs 用于人iPS细胞和胚胎干细胞生长;
★ Performs Comparably to mTeSR 1 效能与mTeSR 1培养基同等。

  • 产品型号:PSGro-Free
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2018-02-24
  • 访  问  量:1746

产品英文名称:StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC Growth Medium
产品中文名称:StemRD 人iPS细胞和胚胎干细胞无血清培养基,无异源级别

StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基产品特点:
★ Serum-Free 无血清成分;
★ Xeno-Free 无异种蛋白;
★ Chemically-Defined 化学成分明确;
★ Feeder-Independent 无需滋养层细胞;
★ Supports human iPSCs/ESCs 用于人iPS细胞和胚胎干细胞生长;
★ Performs Comparably to mTeSR 1 效能与mTeSR 1培养基同等。

StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基 产品英文描述如下:
PSGro-Free® is designed for human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and human embryonic stem cells (ESCs). It is serum-free and chemically-defined as all of its ingredients are synthetic chemicals or purified recombinant proteins. PSGro-Free® supports feeder-free growth and maintenance of human iPSCs or human ESCs on extra-cellular matrix proteins (e.g., BD Matrigel®). Its performance is comparable to or better than the market-leading mTeSR®1 or E8 in growth rate, characteristic morphology, pluoripotent markers, normal karyotype, and differentiation to different germ layers. The robustness and stability of PSGro-Free® enable seeding cells over the weekend without changing medium, so you have the weekend Free.

StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC Growth Medium 产品组分:
Part A、Basal Medium (on gel ice)     规格:450mL      Storage:2 to 8°C. Keep from light
Part B、10x Supplement (dry ice)     规格:50mL      Storage:-20°C or below. Keep from light

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StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基 评价或评论
178体育直播免费观看全部视频 在中国代理销售的StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基是从美国进口的,由美国StemRD公司研发生产。美国StemRD公司是在经美国FDA认证的GMP实验室里面采用人类细胞和原核表达系统进行重组蛋白的表达生产与纯化工作,同时该GMP实验室拥有美国生物技术领域高度的仪器设备,确保产品质量的稳定可靠,纯度和活性优于同行,StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基的价格合理,与加拿大StemCell Technologies Inc,公司的mTeSR 1 Feeder-Independent Growth of hESCs and hiPSCs人胚胎干细胞和iPS细胞无血清培养基相比较,可谓性价比更高。178体育直播免费观看全部视频 在上海仓库备有少量StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基现货,并严格按照产品的*储存条件进行储存与管理,我们的一贯宗旨是:更用心地为中国广大科学研究工作者提供更安全、更放心、更便捷的服务。

华雅再生医学 现货供应:澳洲*胎牛血清、iPS干细胞无血清培养基、ES胚胎干细胞无血清培养基、MSC人间充质干细胞无血清培养基、造血干细胞培养基、甲基纤维素培养基(造血干细胞集落形成单元CFU鉴定培养基)等再生医学产品。
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:178体育直播免费观看全部视频 :152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服: 316 808 6348

Content and Storage: Components  Size  Storage   Shelf Life
Basal Medium (on gel ice)   450mL    2 to 8°C. Keep from light   6 months
10x Supplement (dry ice)  50mL    -20°C or below. Keep from light  6 months      

Additional key reagents required or suggested
Extracellular matrix proteins, such as Matrigel  (BD, cat# 354277) or equivalent
Accutase (Millipore, SCR005) or Collagenase IV (Invitrogen, 17104) or equivalent
ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 (StemRD, Y-01/-05/-25) or Thiazovivin (StemRD, Thia-01/-05/-25)

Medium Preparation
1. Thaw PSGro-Free? Supplement overnight at 4°C. If desired, thawed Supplement can be aliquoted and stored at -20°C or below, but further freeze-thaw should be avoided.
2. To make PSGro-Free? complete medium, add 1 part of Supplement to 9 parts of Basal Medium.
3. Antibiotics can be added to the complete medium if so desired.
4. Once made, PSGro-Free  complete medium is stable for 2 weeks when stored in dark at 2 to 8°C.

Coating plates with extracellular matrix proteins, such as Matrigel? 
Refer to manufacturers’ instructions. For BD Matrigel?, the following procedure can be followed:
1. Thaw Matrigel? on ice. Dilute Matrigel 1:50 with pre‐chilled DMEM medium.
2. Immediay use the diluted Matrigel? solution to coat tissue culture plates. For a 6‐well plate, use 1 mL of diluted Matrigel? solution per well, and swirl the plate to spread the solution evenly.
3. Let the plate stand for 1 h at 37°C or overnight at 4°C. 

Adaptation of growing feeder-free cells to PSGro-Free?
Human iPSC or ESCs that have been grown in most commonly-used hiPSC/ESC media can be easily adapted into PSGro-Free?. One round of 1:1 dilution of serum-containing or serum-free medium with PSGro-Free? is generally sufficient. However, for certain media and cell lines, a longer and more graduate adaptation may be required.

Adaptation of growing feeder-dependent cells to PSGro-Free?
1. Dissociate cells with Accutase, Collagenase IV or equivalent.
2. Add the previously-used medium and gently scrape off cells as aggregates. The ideal aggregate size is similar to other media and single cells from excessive pipetting may lower plating efficiency.
3. Transfer the suspension with cell aggregates into a 15 ml tube.
4. Centrifuge at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.
5. Discard Matrigel? solution, immediay add PSGro-Free? (e.g., 2 mL/well for a 6-well plate).
6. After centrifugation, discard the supernatant, gently resuspend the pellet with 2 mL of the previously-used medium. Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.
7. Transfer the cell aggregates in the previously-used medium to the wells with PSGro-Free?. Mix. Gently.
8. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity.
9. If cells are seeded on Friday, change medium on Monday to 4 mL PSGro-Free? (no need to change over the weekend). If cells are seeded on other days during the week, change next day.

Recovery of frozen cells in PSGro-Free?
1. Quickly thaw hiPSCs or hESCs in a 37°C water bath, transfer the contents to a 15 mL tube. Add 10 mL of the medium previously-used for the cells drop-wise to the tube with gentle mixing.
2. Centrifuge cells at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.
3. Discard Matrigel? solution, immediay add PSGro-Free? (e.g., 2 mL/well for a 6-well plate).
4. After centrifugation, discard the supernatant, gently resuspend the pellet with 2 mL of the previously-used medium. Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.
5. Transfer the cell aggregates in the previously-used medium to the plate with PSGro-Free?. Mix gently.
6. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity. 
7. Change medium to 4 mL PSGro-Free? next day.

华雅再生医学 现货供应:澳洲*胎牛血清、iPS干细胞无血清培养基、ES胚胎干细胞无血清培养基、MSC人间充质干细胞无血清培养基、造血干细胞培养基、甲基纤维素培养基(造血干细胞集落形成单元CFU鉴定培养基)等再生医学产品。
欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:178体育直播免费观看全部视频 :152 1681 4001。华雅再生医学-客服: 316 808 6348

Passaging cells in PSGro-Free? under feeder-free condition
1. Look under microscope to identify regions of differentiation. Mark the differentiated colonies using lens marker on the bottom of the plate (e.g., 6-well plate)
2. Remove regions of differentiation by scraping with a pipette tip or by aspiration.
3. Aspirate medium from the cell culture and rinse with PBS.
4. Add 0.5 mL per well of Accutase or Collagenase IV. Let stand at room temp for 1 – 2 min.
5. Remove Accutase, and gently rinse 2 – 3 times with 2 mL PSGro-Free? to remove remaining
6. Add 2 mL/well PSGro-Free? and scrape colonies off with a cell scraper.
7. Transfer the detached cell aggregates to a 15 mL conical tube and rinse the well with an additional
2 mL PSGro-Free? to collect any remaining aggregates.
8. Centrifuge at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.
9. Aspirate the supernatant. Resuspend pellet in 4 mL PSGro-Free? by pipetting gently. 
Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.
10. Plate the cell aggregates with PSGro-Free? onto a new plate coated with Matrigel?.
11. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity. Change medium daily.
12. If cells are seeded on Friday, change medium on Monday to 4 mL PSGro-Free? (no need to change over the weekend). If cells are seeded on other days during the week, change next day.
Note: If colonies are at an optimal density, cells can be split every 5 ‐ 7 days using 1:5 to 1:10 splits.

Cryopreservation of cells in PSGro-Free?
1. Prepare freezing medium which contains 90% PSGro-Free? and 10% DMSO. 
Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.
2. Perform steps 1 - 8 from Passaging cells in PSGro-Free? under feeder-free condition
3. Gently aspirate the supernatant taking care to keep the cell pellet intact.
4. Gently resuspend the pellet in freezing medium, taking care to leave the cell aggregates larger than would normally be done for passaging.
5. Transfer 1 mL of cell aggregates in freezing medium into each labeled cryovial.
6. Place vials into an isopropanol freezing container and place the container at ‐80°C overnight.
7. Transfer to a liquid nitrogen tank the next day for long-term storage.

产 品 名 称                 包装规格      供应商   品牌  货号
mTeSR1 Complete Kit 人ES/iPS干细胞培养基    500mL/套    HY RMB    StemCell    M.005.05850
TeSR™-E8™ Kit for hESC/hiPSC Maintenance,Feeder-free, xeno-free culture medium for maintenance of human ES and iPS cells    500mL/套    HY RMB    StemCell    M.005.05940
MethoCult H4433 Classic 人甲基纤维素培养基    100mL/瓶    HY RMB    StemCell    M.050.04434
MesenCult™-XF Medium,Defined, xeno-free medium for human mesenchymal stem cells 人间充质干细胞无血清培养基    500mL/套    HY RMB    StemCell    M.003.05420
MesenCult™-SF Culture Kit,Defined, serum-free culture kit for human mesenchymal stem cells 人间充质干细胞无血清培养基套装    1Kit/套    HY RMB    StemCell    M.003.05429
PSGro-Free, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干细胞无血清培养基    500mL/套    HY RMB    StemRD    M.005.PGroF-500
MSC medium,chemically-defined人间充质干细胞无血清培养基    500mL/套    HY RMB    StemRD    M.003.MGro-500
MSC Prime P0原代促贴壁因子    1mL/支    HY RMB    StemRD    M.003.MP-001
B-27® Serum-Free Supplement (50X), Liquid 无血清添加剂    100mL/瓶    HY RMB    Gibco    M.005.17504001
B-27® Serum-Free Supplement (50X), Liquid 无血清添加剂    10mL/瓶    HY RMB    Gibco    M.005.17504044
N-2 Supplement (100X), Liquid 培养基添加剂    5mL/瓶    HY RMB    Gibco    M.005.17502048
Neurobasal® Medium (1X), Liquid 出生前和胎儿的神经元    500mL/瓶    HY RMB    Gibco    M.005.21103049
Neurobasal®-A Medium (1X), Liquid 新生和成人大脑神经元    500mL/瓶    HY RMB    Gibco    M.005.10888022
KnockOut™ DMEM/F-12 培养基    500mL/瓶    HY RMB    Gibco    12660012
EGF Recombinant Human Protein    10µg/支    HY RMB    Gibco    PHG0314
FGF-Basic (AA 10-155) Recombinant Human Protein    50µg/支    HY RMB    Gibco    PHG0026
Life Gibco StemPro® Neural Supplement    10mL/瓶    HY RMB    Gibco    A1050801
CCGmHuM Medium (HZ0202M & HZ0203M) 人MSC无血清培养基    500mL/套    HY RMB    HY StemCell    HZ0201M
CCGmHuM Adherent factor原代促贴壁因子    1mL/支    HY RMB    HY StemCell    HZ0205M
FBS(Australia) 澳洲胎牛血清    500mL/瓶    HY RMB    HY StemCell    HZ0101F
BeYaMA 1 Human iPSC / ESC Growth Medium 人多能干细胞无血清培养基    500mL/套    HY RMB    HY StemCell    HJ0101M
人胚胎干细胞/多能干细胞向心肌细胞分化试剂盒    1Kit/套    HY RMB    HY StemCell    HJ0105M

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