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OriGen BioMedical公司的二甲亚砜(DMSO)商品名叫CryoPur,是在 GMP条件下生产的,无热原、无内毒素、无支原体,同时根据客户要求,做了活力实验、支原体检验。经CE、USP和EP认证。
CryoPur-D CD-50是55%二甲基亚砜(DMSO),5%右旋糖酐(Dextran)的混合液。
产品英文名 CryoPur-DTM CD-50:55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40 ,Cryopreservation Solution
产品中文名 CryoPur-DTM CD-50:55%二甲基亚砜,5%右旋糖酐40和水的混合物
产品介绍 德国OriGen BioMedical公司研发的二甲亚砜(DMSO)在高级别DMSO的精制领域处于地位,其细胞冻存级产品在市场上拥有较高的占有率,经过10年多 的客户检验和使用,质量过硬。OriGen BioMedical公司的二甲亚砜纯度为100%,且每瓶DMSO都用KOH通过光谱仪做了可染色物质的检验,本DMSO杂质含量远远低于美国药典中允许的含量,另外为了防止玻璃瓶掰开时细小碎片进入药液,其选择了造价较高的胶盖多计量药瓶。OriGen BioMedical公司的二甲亚砜(DMSO)商品名叫CryoPur,是在GMP条件下生产的,无热原、无内毒素、无支原体,同时根据客户要求,做了活力实验、支原体检验。
1. GMP车间全封闭生产
CryoPur-DTM CD-50保存
2- 8°C
红荣微再现货供应CryoPur-DTM CD-50
品牌 | 货号 | 产品描述 | 包装 |
OriGen | CD-50 | CryoPur-DTM,DMSO/Dextran 55%二甲基亚砜,5%右旋糖酐40混合液 | 50mL/瓶,6瓶/盒 |
CryoPur-DTM CD-50现货供应欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 :1500 1904 520。红荣微再-客服: 经销商专员
OriGen CryoPur DMSO
OriGen manufactures sterile filtered CryoPur 100% DMSO and CryoPur-D DMSO/Dextran.
The solutions are packaged in syringes or vials. Both packages are shatter resistant. All syringes are shipped in a tray to prevent any damage while in transit, and are fitted with a stopcock, shipped with the actuator blocked for safety.
OriGen DMSO products are CE marked and certified USP and Pharmacopeia Europa Standards.
CryoPur-DTM is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and Water for Injection, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder water for injection.
Intended Use: OriGen CryoPur solutions are intended for use as acryopreservative media with synthesized cell cultures.
OriGen CryoPur-DTM CD-50 for Single use only: Multiple draws may be made from one vial using the VSV adapter, but do not reuse DMSO which has been exposed to cells or tissue.
Sterile: Sterilized by aseptic filtration. Do not use if not sealed.
Storage: Store refrigerated: 2 to 8°C
细胞冻存液 CryoPurTM: 100% DMSO
Stock Number Product Description
CP-05 100% DMSO, 5ml Fill Volum
CP-10 100% DMSO, 10ml Fill Volume
CP-50 100% DMSO, 50ml Fill Volume
CP-70 100% DMSO, 70ml Fill Volume
CP-100 100% DMSO, 100ml Fill Volume
细胞冻存液 CryoPur-DTM: 55% w/v DMSO, Buffered with 5% w/v Dextran-40
(*CryoPur-D is a mixture of pure DMSO, Dextran-40 and Water for Injection, with the resulting solution being 55% w/v DMSO, 5% Dextran-40, and the remainder water for injection)
Number Product Description
CD-05 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 5ml fill volume
CD-07 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 7.2ml fill volume
CD-35 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 35ml fill volume
CD-50 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 50ml fill volume
CD-70 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 70ml fill volume
CD-100 DMSO/Dextran/remainder water, 100ml fill volume
细胞冻存液保护剂 DMSO和右旋糖酐
右旋糖酐系蔗糖是经肠膜状明串珠菌-1226(Leuconostoc mesenteroides)发酵合成的一种高分子葡萄糖聚合物,右旋糖酐-40(Dextran-40)别称低分子右旋糖酐,右旋糖酐40的重均分子量(Mw)应为32000~42000。右旋糖酐-40(Dextran-40)可以维持渗透压和 PiH , 提供适宜细胞存活的介质环境。(网络资料)
CryoPur-DTM CD-50现货供应欢迎您致电 华雅再生医学旗舰公司:红荣微再(上海)生物工程技术有限公司 :1500 1904 520。红荣微再-客服: 经销商专员