Product category
品牌 | TaKaRa | 货号 | Y20020 |
规格 | 250mL | 供货周期 | 一个月 |
华雅旗下红荣微再授权代理(上海)TAKARA CellArtis,Rubicon产品
1500 1904 520。红荣微再-客服: 经销商专员
人原代肝脏细胞(Human primary hepatocytes, hphep) 是肝脏疾病毒理学研究和相关药物研发的有力工具。对肝脏疾病模型研究和肝毒性检测而言,一个稳健的hphep培养体系至关重要。然而,当前可用的培养体系培养的肝脏细胞在一周内就丧失了功能性和活性,严重限制了原代肝脏细胞的应用。而且,这些培养基维持培养中还需要每天换液。
Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium是专门制定的、用于长期维持培养的人原代肝脏细胞培养基。冻存复苏后接种的hphep,在方便操作的2D培养中,可以存活并维持功能特性4周。此外,这款培养基进一步简化了肝细胞培养,提供一个周末免换液的培养日程。
Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium
Human primary hepatocytes (hphep) are an invaluable tool for academic and pharmaceutical labs studying liver disease pathology or as part of the drug development pipeline. To assess disease models and hepatocyte toxicity, robust and predictive hphep cell cultures are required. However, currently available culture media severely limits the utility of primary hepatocytes because hepatocytes lose their function and viability within a week. Additionally, daily feedings are required to maintain the hphep cultures.
☆延长培养时间—原代肝脏细胞可以存活并维持功能特性长达4周,经过CYP 活性、 albumin分泌和CYP诱导能力检测验证。
☆操作简便—周末免换液的培养日程, 使用隔天换液 (周一,周三,周五) 而不是每天换液 ☆无需准备复杂的overlays或sandwich培养。
肝脏疾病建模Liver disease modeling
肝毒性评估Hepatotoxicity assessment
慢性中毒 Chronic toxicity
250 ml Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium (Cat. No. Y20020)
•General cell culture equipment
•Human cryoplateable primary hepatocytes with the providers recommended thawing and plating medium
•Collagen I from rat tail (e.g., Corning Cat. No. 354236) or pre-coated Collagen I plates (e.g., Corning BioCoat™ Cat. No. 354407 or 354408)
•PBS Dulbecco's with Ca2+ & Mg2+ (D-PBS +/+)
If applicable:
• Penicillin-Streptomycin (PEST) for your thawing and plating medium (see section V.A.1)
使用Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium分别培养来源于三个不同品牌的、复苏接种的人原代肝脏细胞。
Cryoplateable human primary hepatocytes from three different vendors (1, 2, and 3) cultured in Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium. Cells were cultured as described and images were taken 1 (Panel A), 7 (Panel B), 14 (Panel C), 21 (Panel D) and 28 (Panel E) days after thawing. For all images, the scale bar is 100 μm
新型的Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium是专门研发的、用于长期维持培养的人原代肝脏细胞培养基。目前市场上销售的原代肝脏细胞培养都配套有优化的培养体系,主要有2D和3D培养两种形式。2D贴壁培养,操作简便,但是培养的肝细胞在2-7天失去表型,而且要求每天换液。3D悬浮培养虽然可以延长肝脏细胞功能特性维持的时间,但是在操作上比较复杂,需要制备overlay进行sandwich 培养 (Liu et al. 1999)或借助生物反应器Bioreactors (Hoffman et al. 2012)等,成本也较高。Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium可以支持方便操作的2D培养,多种品牌的原代肝脏细胞可以存活并维持功能特性4周,以及这款培养基更加人性化,支持隔天换液和周末免换液。
华雅再生医学旗舰公司:178体育直播免费观看全部视频 主营细胞治疗和精准医疗等产品,2018年与TAKARA继续合作,授权代理(上海)其旗下Cellartis干细胞研究制品和Rubicon单细胞文库构建试剂。Cellartis公司位于瑞典,拥有iPS细胞等干细胞分化为肝细胞及脏器细胞的分化诱导技术和ES细胞,ips细胞,分化细胞等干细胞相关产品。
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