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首页 > 中国和沙特足球买球 > 干细胞(无血清)培养基> 肝细胞培养基> Cellartis Y30035Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit
Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit

简要描述:Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit 定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒用于定向分化hiPS获取定型内胚层细胞(DE)。包含所有必需的培养基和coating材料。还包括新一代的Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System用于起始hiPS的维持培养用。获得的DE细胞,可以作为起始材料进行定向分化至内胚层来源的细胞类型(如肝细胞,胰腺细胞)

  • 产品型号:Cellartis Y30035
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2018-04-04
  • 访  问  量:1808
规格1 Kit供货周期一个月

 华雅旗下红荣微再授权代理(上海)TAKARA CellArtis,Rubicon产品  详询 1500 1904 520 红荣微再-客服: 经销商专员




产品英文名称:Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit




The Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit用于定向分化hiPS获取definitive endoderm (DE) cells。本产品包含所有必需的培养基和coating材料。本产品还包括新一代的Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System用于起始hiPS的维持培养用。使用本产品获得的DE细胞,可以作为起始材料进行定向分化至内胚层来源的细胞类型(如肝细胞,胰腺细胞)。Cellartis也提供分化DE细胞获取肝细胞的试剂盒(Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Cat. No. Y30050);Cellartis也提供诱导分化hiPS获取肝细胞的试剂盒(Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System (Cat. No. Y30055)。

The Cellartis with DEF-CS Culture System contains a complete media set and a ready-to-use coating for the differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cells into definitive endoderm (DE) cells in monolayer culture. The kit includes the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System for the maintenance of undifferentiated hiPS cells prior to DE cell differentiation. The DE cells obtained with this differentiation kit can be used for further differentiation into cells of endodermal origin, such as hepatocytes and pancreatic endoderm cells. For further differentiation of DE cells into hepatocytes, use the Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Cat. No. Y30050); alternay, start directly from iPS cells using the complete Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System (Cat. No. Y30055).



有效的分化 - 产生> 80%SOX17阳性细胞

强大的培养方法 - 来自超过25种不同hiPS细胞系成功分化为定形内胚层(DE)细胞

完整的试剂盒 - 包括培养基和即用型包被,将hiPS细胞分化为DE细胞的实验方案为期七天,具备可重复性

起始为均质的hiPS细胞群 - 试剂盒包括Cellartis DEF-CS 100培养系统以在DE细胞分化开始之前维持细胞的未分化状态

Efficient differentiation—generates >80% SOX17-positive cells

Robust protocol—successful definitive endoderm (DE) cell generation from more than 25 different hiPS cell lines

Complete kit—media and ready-to-use coating for a seven-day protocol to reproducibly differentiate hiPS cells into DE cells

Start with a homogeneous population of hiPS cells—kit includes the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System to maintain undifferentiated cells prior to the start of DE cell differentiation



Cellartis with DEF-CS Culture System (Cat. No. Y30035):

Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System (Cat. No. Y30020; not sold separay. A larger 500 ml version of this product is sold as Cat. No. Y30010.)

▪ 100 ml DEF-CS 100 Basal Medium

▪ 800 µl DEF-CS COAT-1 (for 100 ml)

▪ 300 µl DEF-CS GF-1 (for 100 ml)

▪ 100 µl DEF-CS GF-2 (for 100 ml)

▪ 40 µl DEF-CS GF-3 (for 100 ml)

Cellartis (Cat. No. Y30030; not sold separay)

▪ 1 tube Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Coating (10 ml)

▪ 1 bottle Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Day 0 (18 ml)

▪ 1 bottle Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Day 1 (18 ml)

▪ 1 bottle Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Day 2 (18 ml)

▪ 1 bottle Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Day 3 (25 ml)

▪ 1 bottle Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Day 4 (47 ml)

▪ 1 bottle Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Day 6 (47 ml)




PBS Dulbecco's含有Ca2 +Mg2 +(D-PBS + / +)

PBS Dulbecco's不含Ca 2+Mg 2+(D-PBS - / - )



保存:Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System (Y30020):DEF-CS 100 Basal Medium COAT-1   2–8°C;GF-1, GF-2, and GF-3  –20°C

Cellartis (Y30030):–20°C




mRNA expression profiles of definitive endoderm cells being generated from two hiPS cell lines (ChiPSC18 and P11025) using the Cellartis with DEF-CS Culture Medium. These graphs track the relative temporal mRNA expression levels of various markers during differentiation from hiPS cells (starting on Day 0) into DE cells (by Day 7), as measured by RT-qPCR.



Cellartis Human ES Cell Line 121 (SA121) Kit (Cat No. Y00025)

Cellartis Human ES Cell Line 167 (SA167) Kit (Cat. No. Y00065)

Cellartis Human ES Cell Line 181 (SA181) Kit (Cat. No. Y00105)

Cellartis Human ES Cell Line 461 (SA461) Kit (Cat. No. Y00145)

Cellartis Human iPS Cell Line 7 (ChiPSC7) Kit (Cat. No. Y00275)

Cellartis Human iPS Cell Line 12 (ChiPSC12) Kit (Cat. No. Y00285)

Cellartis Human iPS Cell Line 18 (ChiPSC18) Kit (Cat. No. Y00305)

Cellartis Human iPS Cell Line 22 (ChiPSC22) Kit (Cat. No. Y00325)

Cellartis® Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Cat. No. Y30050)

Cellartis® iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System (Cat. No. Y30055)





人原代肝脏细胞培养基 Y20020(新产品)



华雅再生医学旗舰公司:178体育直播免费观看全部视频 主营细胞治疗和精准医疗等产品,2018年与TAKARA继续合作,授权代理(上海)其旗下Cellartis干细胞研究制品和Rubicon单细胞文库构建试剂。Cellartis公司位于瑞典,拥有iPS细胞等干细胞分化为肝细胞及脏器细胞的分化诱导技术和ES细胞,ips细胞,分化细胞等干细胞相关产品。

Cellartis Y30035 Cellartis 手机1500 1904 520 红荣微再-客服  经销商专员



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